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This blog is about Simone & Åke's travel during October 2011 in South America.
Denna blog beskriver Simone & Åke's resa till Sydamerika oktober 2011.

Peru; Machu Picchu & Amazonas. Equador; Galapagos. Easter Island, Chile

20 okt. 2011

To Manu National Park

Travelling on the river Madre Dios to Manu National Park 
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Manú National Park is the largest National Park in Peru, with an area of 15 000 km².
In 1977, UNESCO recognised it as a Biosphere Reserve and in 1987, it was pronounced a World Heritage Site. The park protects several ecological zones ranging from as low as 150 meters above sea level in the South West Amazon to Central Andean at altitudes of 4200 meters.

Weather was cloudy. Temperature around 30-35 C

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