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This blog is about Simone & Åke's travel during October 2011 in South America.
Denna blog beskriver Simone & Åke's resa till Sydamerika oktober 2011.

Peru; Machu Picchu & Amazonas. Equador; Galapagos. Easter Island, Chile

20 okt. 2011


During the Inca Empire, Ollantaytambo was the royal estate of Emperor Pachacuti who conquered the region, built the town and a ceremonial center here.

The Incas built several storehouses out of fieldstone on the hills surrounding the town. Their location at high altitudes, where there is more wind and lower temperatures, defended their contents against decay. To enhance this effect, the houses called qollqas feature ventilation systems. It is believed that they were used to store the production of the agricultural terraces built around the site.


Ollantaytambo eller Ullantaytanpu, vilket ungefär betyder Min härskares förråd, tror man är det enda återstående exemplet på för-columbiansk stadsplanering. De 6 stenarna högst upp på befästningen som bildar Soltemplet, väger cirka 50 ton vardera och står tätt inhop.
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