Åke's & Simone's....... South_America 2011
Welkom - Welcome - Bienvenue - Välkommen - Bienvenida
This blog is about Simone & Åke's travel during October 2011 in South America.
Denna blog beskriver Simone & Åke's resa till Sydamerika oktober 2011.
Peru; Machu Picchu & Amazonas. Equador; Galapagos. Easter Island, Chile
Denna blog beskriver Simone & Åke's resa till Sydamerika oktober 2011.
Peru; Machu Picchu & Amazonas. Equador; Galapagos. Easter Island, Chile
23 dec. 2012
12 nov. 2011
Marine Iguana
The Marine Iguana is an iguana found only on the Galápagos Islands. See Wikipedia for details
We will publish several blog posts about this strange looking creature. They are very good swimmers and can dive of up to half an hour at depths of more than 15 m. This pictures show a guy approaching the beach and it will get up to dry.
We will publish several blog posts about this strange looking creature. They are very good swimmers and can dive of up to half an hour at depths of more than 15 m. This pictures show a guy approaching the beach and it will get up to dry.
11 nov. 2011
A little beach / baby care - story
"Hi, little one, You're OK?"
"I am here honey! Is the little one well taken care of?"
"Want a kissie?"
"Come on! *SMACK*"
"I'm off now! Take care!"
"Oh, I'm a good father!"
7 nov. 2011
Albatross #2
Basics of parental psychology; the child should look "childish" = very stupid and pitiful. And look like it shouldn't survived if somebody (=parents) doesn't help. ..
I think this albatross youngster managed pretty well. Even an adult albatross looks stupid when it walks or sit!

Albatross #1
Vingspannet hos de största Albatrosserna överstiger 340 cm; störst bland alla fåglar. De lever på bläckfisk, fisk eller krill som de fångar genom att snappa bytet från vattenytan (vilket också fregattfåglarna gör. Mer bilder på Galapagos-albatrosserna latin Phoebastria irrorata följer.
3 nov. 2011
Great Egret bird
The Great Egret is a large bird that can reach one meter in height.
It weigh up to 900 grams and could have a wingspan more than 2 meters.
It weigh up to 900 grams and could have a wingspan more than 2 meters.
1 nov. 2011
Seymour Island
North Seymour is a small island near to Baltra Island (where main aiport is located). The whole island is covered with low, bushy vegetation and are home base for many Frigatebirds , Galpagos Land Iguana and Blue footed Boobies.
These birds do not swim and cannot walk well, and cannot take off from a flat surface.As you see on the pictures everyone is in trees or high bushes to be able to be able take off.

It is typical to see young frigate-birds as big as their parents waiting to be fed. When they sit waiting for many hours in the hot sun, they assume an energy-saving posture in which their head hangs down, and they sat so still that they seem dead. But when the parent returned, they woke up and screamed until the parent fed them.
The males have inflatable throat pouches called "gular pouches", which they inflate to attract females during the mating season. I don't know but probably the male with the biggest one gets the first chance.
Both parents take turns feeding for the first three months but then only the mother feeds the young for another eight months
Blue-footed Booby
Galapagos Land Iguanas
Theese Iguanas become sexually mature between eight and fifteen years of age, depending on which island they are from. There are totally around 5,000 to 10,000 land iguanas in the islands.
These birds do not swim and cannot walk well, and cannot take off from a flat surface.As you see on the pictures everyone is in trees or high bushes to be able to be able take off.
It is typical to see young frigate-birds as big as their parents waiting to be fed. When they sit waiting for many hours in the hot sun, they assume an energy-saving posture in which their head hangs down, and they sat so still that they seem dead. But when the parent returned, they woke up and screamed until the parent fed them.
The males have inflatable throat pouches called "gular pouches", which they inflate to attract females during the mating season. I don't know but probably the male with the biggest one gets the first chance.
Both parents take turns feeding for the first three months but then only the mother feeds the young for another eight months
Blue-footed Booby
Galapagos Land Iguanas
Theese Iguanas become sexually mature between eight and fifteen years of age, depending on which island they are from. There are totally around 5,000 to 10,000 land iguanas in the islands.
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